Photos of Paris? How hard can it be?

Harder than you think. I was hired to create a site for Paris By Design. How do you sell custom tours to Paris and Montreal? Start with lots of big beautiful photos. (Duh.) But not just any photos. Very, very specific ones.
Designing a Priceless Heirloom

Lemmee tell you about my latest crazy project: creating a prototype (and template) for a genre-busting concept: a family memoir/cookbook for the Heirloom Meals Recipe Project in Massachusetts, USA. This was the brain-child of Carole Murko, whose unflagging enthusiasm for family food stories has spawned a weekly radio show on NPR (National Public Radio), regular tv appearances, and several hour-long […]
Montreal vs. Toronto

Curious about the pros and cons of living and working in Toronto versus Montreal? Check out this fun infographic that I designed on behalf of the UNISEO agency for their client Proforce, a recruiting firm. Of course I had to include some cute vector characters and fun illustrations. Click here to view it at full size. (Note: if you’re using Safari, you need to click […]