FreshBooks & Xero: Why I Still Love Them

Posted by on Jul 23, 2014 in Comparison Reviews | 2 Comments

Three years ago, I wrote a comparison review of online accounting software. I thought it would be a good idea to share which ones have stood the test of time, and remain my favorites.

At times I have grumbled about the $20/month price tag. But when I compare it to the alternatives, or doing without it, I quickly adjust my attitude. Here’s why I still bother to use it:

  • the software just works (no bugs)
  • the history feature helps me keep track of invoice status
  • I can send an invoice in under 30 secs
  • automatic reminder emails are sent to tardy clients
  • automatic Late Fee is added on late invoices
  • clients can pay instantly online using a credit card or PayPal
  • automatically syncs with (see below)
  • simple interface, great user experience
  • great tech support (speak to a live human!)
  • they just secured 30$M in funding (stability, longevity)


I still use Xero because they are the only online accounting software that offers true multi-currency options and foreign exchange features. Xero handles the back-end of my accounting (my bank transactions, visible only to me and my accountant) and syncs with Freshbooks for my front-end (what the customer sees).

  • based in New Zealand, so they think globally
  • I have clients and bank accounts in 3 countries (multi-currency)
  • automatically downloads my bank transactions while I sleep
  • just secured 12$M in funding (longevity, stability)
  • my accountant loves it



  1. Murali
    March 25, 2015

    Hi Darcey,
    Is there a reason why you use both Freshbooks and Xero? Understand that certain features are better with one over the other – but aren’t they supposed to do the same thing?

    • darcey
      March 25, 2015

      Good question 🙂 Some people can use just one or the other. I use both because Freshbooks a) is written in Plain English not Accountant jargon, b) the History is easy to access so I can see when a client has viewed an invoice, etc, c) it’s a one-click payment process for clients, d) they have great customer service and e) it’s easier to navigate as it’s a smaller app. Freshbooks also provides Time Tracking.

      Summary: Freshbooks is written for non-accountants and micro-businesses who just need simple user-friendly software; Xero is written for accounting-savvy people who want a lot more functionality. Freshbooks keeps me happy, Xero keeps my accountant happy.